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Viral Lead Funnels Loaded OTOs Review

Welcome to my Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review. In this article you will learn about the features, pricing, OTO's and more of this latest product release. It is the ultimate viral marketing and referral platform that generates leads and traffic.

Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review Introduction

Any business's lifeblood is traffic, sales, and leads!

The issue with traditional lead funnels is that driving traffic to landing pages is expensive, and conversion of traffic to leads is low.

If you want to generate a flood of Highly Qualified Leads for your business in a short period of time without spending a fortune on advertising…

Prepare for the launch of the new Viral Lead Funnels App on April 25th at 11:00 a.m. EST.

Viral Lead Funnels is revolutionary…much needed… and solves a HUGE problem for all businesses.

And, given the positive buzz surrounding this new software, I decided to conduct an in-depth review.

We'll go over how it works, who it's for, how much it costs, the incredible bonuses, the upsells, and the pros and cons of this new tool so you can make an informed purchase decision… and, of course, if it's right for you.

Let's get this party started…

Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review: What is Viral Lead Funnels?

Viral Lead Funnels is a game changing marketing technology that converts 350% of your traffic (as opposed to 2.35%) into hot leads via incentive-driven viral marketing funnels. Airbnb, Dropbox, and Uber all use the exact same strategy and technology.

Dropbox, for example, grew their user base by implementing a simple viral strategy: asking users to refer their friends (for free) in exchange for additional storage space. Dropbox used viral hacking to grow from 100,000 to 4 million users in just 15 months.

Businesses and large corporations all over the world are using incentive-based viral marketing funnels to increase traffic, leads, and sales with little or no ad spend. You only need to go viral on demand.Going viral isn't limited to cool, funny, meme videos on TikTok and other sites that receive millions of views… A powerful tool like Viral Lead Funnels can be used to create a funnel system that ensures people will keep talking about your brand and sharing it with the rest of the world.

To encourage people to share your brand, you'll provide them with a valuable incentive, giveaway, or bribe. BOOM! It also spreads like a virus. (This is an excellent example.)They share it with their friends, who then share it with their friends' friends… and friends' friends. It becomes a loop before you know it. Your marketing message is all over the place, bringing you traffic, leads, and sales.

Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review: Who is the Creator?

The creator behind this product is Ifiok Nkem. He is a full-stack digital marketer & SaaSpreneur.

He built a multi-million dollar online business after a massive career shift (Medical doctor turned digital marketer) with just $100 and a laptop borrowed from a friend.

SnapiLABs is a tech innovation lab that has created and successfully launched MULTIPLE software Bestsellers with over 40,000 happy users from 47 countries.

Ifiok was vetted by Forbes and accepted into the prestigious Forbes Business Council in recognition of his track record of positively impacting entrepreneurs and small businesses, industry leadership, and personal and professional accomplishments.

Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review: How it Works

Step 1: People Signup

People join your viral funnel. You can provide them with immediate value for signing up, such as a book.

Step 2: People Refer Friends In order to reach a milestone, your users will receive their own unique link to share with their friends and family. You incentivize them by awarding points for specific actions (e.g., sharing, joining your group, etc.) or for reaching certain milestones (e.g refer 5 friends) Step 3: They Reach A Milestone & Get Rewarded They earn rewards as they take action and refer friends. When they refer more people, they can gain access to more valuable rewards such as cheat sheets, mind maps, video, software, and so on. When people complete specific actions or reach a certain number of referrals (milestone), they are automatically entered to win the corresponding giveaway. This type of marketing converts and works better than any other type of marketing available.

Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review: Who is it For?

Works for any type of business or niche, whether you're selling:

  • E-Commerce

  • MLM

  • Digital Products

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Coaching

  • Consulting

  • Health & Fitness

  • Agency

  • Book

  • Freelancing

  • High Ticket

  • Selling via Webinar

  • Product Launches

  • SaaS

  • Appointments

  • If You’re A Local Business

  • Large Multinational Company

  • Or Even A Complete Beginner!

Features of Viral Lead Funnels

Create Different Types of Viral Campaigns:

In a few clicks, you can create various types of viral campaigns, such as a milestone campaign, a wait list, a double loop, a sweepstakes, and so on.

Set Up Viral Loop:

Allow subscribers to invite their friends, who in turn invite their friends, and so on.

Different Types Of Rewards:

Set up various types of incentives to encourage people to share your message – URLs for hidden content, Downloadable files for e-books or software downloads, Coupon codes for eCommerce stores, and so on.

Customizable Actions:

Set up custom actions and give users points for completing them. You can use this to expand almost any aspect of your business. You can create custom actions for anything, such as watching a YouTube video, joining a Facebook group, downloading an app, and so on. You can also ask participants custom questions to ensure that they completed the action before earning the points.

Point Tracking System:

Automated point system that monitors and assigns defined points to your subscribers when they take actions, such as sharing on Facebook, sharing on LinkedIn, and so on. Before awarding the points, we actually use API to verify that the share was done on FB, for example.

Milestones Rewards:

When people perform specific actions or reach a certain number of points (milestone), they are automatically entered to win the corresponding giveaway.

Inbuilt Reward Delivery System:

Set up automated emails to send to your participants once they reach a predefined milestone.

Inbuilt Funnel Page Builder:

Create beautiful and high-converting landing pages and thank you pages for your lead funnel using the in-built revolutionary drag-and-drop page builder. The page builder is extremely powerful and simple to use.

Drag & Drop Sections:

Forget about buggy templates. Drag and drop beautiful sections to the canvas to build from the ground up in minutes. These sections have all been created for you by professional designers and have been proven to convert.

2 Step Optin Process:

Set up optin boxes or a two-step optin process to get micro commitments from your users so you can double your optin rate by leveraging the Zeigarnik effect – a psychological phenomenon that causes people to always want to finish what they started.

Use Timers to Create Urgency:

Using our timers, you can add urgency to your lead funnels. (Both evergreen and countdown timers are available.) You can also specify what action to take after the countdown timer expires (for example, reset the timer).

Create Exit Intent Popups:

Our Exit-intent technology is a behavioral hack that allows you to convert visitors who leave your landing page into subscribers and customers. When you consider that 70% of your visitors will leave and never return, it's critical that you try to capture them before they leave.

Get the Best Email Address In a Click:

For squeeze pages, most people use fake or dump email addresses, while others abandon them because they are too lazy to type their email. With one click, you can capture their best email address – their Facebook email address.

Build Your Messenger List:

The Facebook messenger checkbox integration allows you to build not only email lists but also messenger lists. Create your messenger list and set up auto-delivery messenger sequences.

Embed On Your Existing Websites:

Do you already have a website? Don't be concerned. With our HTML and Javascript embed options, you can also embed on any website – ClickFunnels, WordPress, Funnelvio, Convertri, Wix, or any custom HTML website.


All of the information gathered in your viral lead funnels can be sent to virtually any other piece of software in your business. Aweber, ActiveCampaign, Convertkit, Mailchimp, Getresponse, Mailvio, Sendio, and other major autoresponders and marketing automation platforms are natively integrated. Through web hooks and Zapier, you can also connect to over 1,000 other apps.

Triggers & Automation Rules:

Set predefined conditions and triggers for automations via webhook notifications with a single click, for example, you can set up an automation to add a participant to your Facebook audience if they have more than 20 points.

1 Click Signup URL's:

Use this to engage your current list and current buyers in order to convert them into ambassadors in a single click. It is compatible with any email autoresponder or CRM.

Detailed Analytics:

Detailed insights to monitor and track the performance of your campaigns over time, allowing you to make informed decisions that will increase your leads and bring you more traffic and sales.

Tracking & Retargeting Pixels:

Users are tagged with pixels, and retargeting ads are set up for them. You can create different retargeting ads, such as Ad1, to re-engage those who left the landing page. Ad2 could be directed at participants in order to persuade them to share.

A/B Split Testing:

Make a number of landing pages. Split your traffic and experiment. Kill the low-performing landing pages and scale the high-performing landing pages.

Fraud Detector:

Identify, tag, and eliminate fraudulent leads. Multiple leads from the same IP addresses.

Location Filters:

Don't want leads from a specific part of the world? You can prevent them from taking part in your viral campaigns.

Redirect Participants To Thank You Page:

When a participant visits the landing page after joining, this feature allows you to redirect them to the thank you page.

Cloning Campaigns:

Clone your campaigns

Add Your Custom SMTP:

To send emails straight from the platform.

Multiple Languages:

Over 250+ languages.

Mobile Responsive:

Because the pages and optins are mobile responsive, mobile users can participate.

News Feed Optimization:

You can use open graph technology to customize how your campaigns appear when shared on social media.


Personalization allows you to display your subscribers' names on your pages, making the connection more personal and assisting you in building rapport with your new customers and subscribers.

UTM Tracking:

Determine which traffic sources and campaigns provide you with the highest lifetime customer value.

Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review: Pros & Cons

The Pros are obviously numerous, but I'll only mention a few:

  1. Higher conversions guaranteed

  2. Cutting-edge technology

  3. Maximum global reach

  4. Super-easy to use

  5. Easy to set up

  6. Create & Run Multiple Campaigns

  7. Works seamlessly on any device


  1. Funnel is pretty deep; 5 total upgrade options: it really isn’t much of a con as the software still works perfectly without any of the upgrades.

  2. You will need a good internet connection.

Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review: Pricing and OTO's

The cart opens by 11 am with the price at $47 with a $3

coupon (Code: VIP3OFF) which expires by 4 PM.

Price increases from $47 to $49 by midnight with a special $2 coupon (code: special2) to take the price back to $47. This coupon expires by 11 AM Eastern on Day

Incredibly, and this is one of the aspects of this offer that fascinates me…

Viral Lead Funnels, along with all of the awesome bonuses, are available for a small one-time fee of $47… Can you out do that?

That is a minuscule fraction of its true market value, let alone the income potential!

Plus, this small investment is backed by a solid 30 day money back guarantee, allowing you to test and run the software with no risk on the part of the product creator.

However, keep in mind that this low one-time fee is only valid during the launch special period, so DON'T MISS IT!

OTO #1: QuizFunnels – $67 (One Time)

OTO #2: Viral Lead Funnels UNLIMITED – $197/yr

OTO #3: Viral Lead Funnels Done-For-You Templates – $97 (One Time)

OTO #4: VLF (Reseller) – $497 & $297 (One Time)

Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review: Are There Any Bonuses?

Now fasten your seat belts… Something massive is on the way!!!

The product creators went above and beyond to provide you with everything you'll need to be successful with this!

As part of the front end launch special offer, you'll receive 9 awesome, relevant, and necessary apps, training, and case studies as bonuses…

These are assets that you would have paid for separately, but you'll get them for free with Viral Lead Funnels!

You will receive:

Quick Start Training Video – Get Up & Running in Minutes:

While using Viral Lead Funnels is fairly simple, to make things as simple as possible, you'll also receive a quick start video to help you get results right away.

10 Done For You Viral Lead Funnels:

Each lead funnel comes with

  • Done For You Landing page

  • Done For You Lead Magnet

  • Done For You Main Lead Magnet

  • Done For You Thank you page

  • Done For You 2nd Lead Magnet for viral incentive

It's simple to get started with one of our pre-built, high converting viral lead funnel templates. Every template is completely customizable… If you come across a template that is close but not quite perfect, you can modify it to make it completely your own.

The Ultimate Lead Funnels Swipe File:

You'll get ten years' worth of examples of the best-performing lead landing pages, thank you pages, ads, and more.

101 Lead Magnet Ideas:

A Lead Magnet is something you give away in exchange for an email address or other contact information so you can convert website visitors into leads and nurture them through your funnel.

When you buy Viral Lead Funnels, you'll get over 101 lead magnet ideas to give away in exchange for visitors' email addresses or contact information.

Viral Lead Funnels Reloaded Review: Final Thoughts

In my final words, you'd be saving thousands of dollars that you'd have had to spend on costly ads and other lead generation methods that rarely produce the expected results. Viral Lead Funnels has been designed to be ridiculously simple to use.

As a result, on this note, I'll say that Viral Lead Funnels is a timely solution that I highly recommend.

Without a doubt, I can give it a five-star rating; anything less is “BIAS!”

You may proceed to secure your access; your investment is SAFE AND WISE, cheers!

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