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FT Collection Maker V2 App Review

Are you ready to discover the first to market groundbreaking app with proprietary TTC AI technology, which allows you to automatically generate software-verified unique artworks you can sell as NFTs?

If so, I’m about to show you a 100% turnkey solution which generates massive NFT collections ready to be sold, and allows you to not only charge one time payments, but also forever automatically collect passive royalties every time your NFT gets resold on a secondary market, such as OpenSea.

And because TTC AI technology does all the heavy lifting, it is mathematically almost impossible for you to not get any collector worthy results, even if you have not made any art in your entire life and have no tech experience at all.

PLUS – You will get all the info you need on how to sell as many pieces of art as humanly possible as well. And don’t worry, generating massive crypto art collections with our software is as easy as it gets. Because of our proprietary TTC AI technology, anyone can make a NFT ready crypto art collection without any prior art or tech experience.

NFT Collection Maker V2 is the ultimate NFT Collection Maker & designer kit. My friend Andrew Darius took 2 months completely off to focus on NFT Collection Maker V2 to make sure it is the best it could be.

Version 1.0 allowed the creation of images and metadata using proprietary TTC AI tech but all related deploying NFTs to a blockchain like Ethereum was not in the app. Images themselves do not become NFTs until they are on blockchain, and this is what the version 2.0 does.

Version 2.0 not only creates NFT images but includes built-in customizable NFT blockchain contracts which people can deploy to Ethereum and other blockchains with a click.


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